Gods Work, Our Hands
Service is an act of thanks. We believe that we serve others as a way of living out our lives in Christ. You may be asking yourself: “I want to be involved, but how do I start? I don’t know anyone.” Fear not! Each of us has been equipped by God with Spiritual Gifts. If you like to bake or set up meals, you have the gift of serving/hospitality. If you like telling others about Jesus love for you and feel comfortable inviting them to worship at Immanuel-Trinity, you are gifted with evangelism or outreach. And there are others: leadership, giving, administration, healing, mercy, service, apostle, pastor, teaching, wisdom, faith, exhortation, prophecy, tongues, giving and knowledge. If you’d like to pinpoint where your gifts, Pastor Tom can assist. Time and Talent forms are available. These help to know where your gifts lie and where you can plug in. Please pray about how you can serve at Immanuel-Trinity.
When all of us share our gifts, we are a living and active body of Christ. If you are interested in helping, please contact the church office for information.