Chancel Guild
Chancel Guild
Interested in joining the Chancel Guild? We invite any new confirmed members or any members to join Chancel Guild. We will teach you what to do and work with you, until you are comfortable as you assume responsibilities which match your interests. It’s a great way to stay involved with the church, without getting up in front of people to act or speak. You can join by yourself or with a partner. Contact the Parish Administrator,if you would like to take on as little or as much as you feel ready to assume.
Responsibility of the Chancel Guild - The Chancel Guild is entrusted with the privilege of preparing the chancel and its furnishings for worship—both to glorify God and to provide a setting which enables the congregation to worship in a meaningful way. Members of the Guild are servants of the liturgy and provide their support in the following areas:
Communion – when schuduled the vessels must be filled with bread and wine and placed on the altar in preparation for upcoming services.
Housekeeping – the chancel and its furnishings (altar, pulpit and lectern) are kept clean and linens are changed, cleaned and pressed in readiness for worship.
Paraments – paraments adorn the furnishing of the chancel in colors of the liturgical day or season and with symbols reminding worshipers of various aspects of the Christian faith.
Vestments - acolyte vestments must be ready and in good repair for use in services.
Preparations – in addition to weekly services, Chancel Guild is also responsible for preparations for Holy Baptism.
Chancel Guild- Meets as needed at Immanuel-Trinity Lutheran Church small meeting room.