WELCA Chili to go sale
REMINDER - Pick up your orders Saturday, October 14th or Sunday, October 15th after each Worship Service
“Chili To Go” Fundraiser
To raise funds to be given back to the community, WELCA is announcing a "Chili To Go" sale. We are taking orders with payment in advance, and then preparing the chili. You will be able to pick it up after church on the weekend of Saturday, October 14th or Sunday, October 15th.
All chili is gluten free (without pasta)
Chili with beans or Chili without beans
Pasta will be available bagged separately
Order form envelopes are in the narthex, and at the south entrance near the Administrator’s office. You may put your order envelope and payment in the offering plate or a pot marked "Chili to Go Orders". Deadline for orders is Sunday, October 8th - giving us time to process orders and get supplies.
We will be making chili on Thursday, October 12th, from 9:00AM until done and we could use your help. Signup sheets will be available in early October. We cook hamburger, measure spices, open cans, make pasta, chop the celery, and mix it all together. Please consider helping.